
Saturday, 20 August 2011

Nehalem Bay, Oregon

Growing up my family was the type of family that would go camping every summer. I absolutely hated it (but i wanna hangout with my friendddsss all summer). It was apparently the death of me. They stopped making me go when I turned 16 and got my first job (praise the lord). However, now that I'm 21 such luxuries and spare time are a rare occasion.
EXCEPT for last week. I somehow got the time off at work and am in my two week break at school. So I packed my bags and headed to a family favourite of mine, Nehalem Bay in Oregon (no not Portland). It was as amazing and gorgeous as I had remembered. I got ridiculously sun burnt on my first day there, that being said there is only one picture of me (I know you wanted to see my lovely face, sorry, check facebook). 

Oh hey mum

My dog, Dave

Sunday, 14 August 2011

In the past 3 days...

So I finally finished my second semester of school last thursday and we have 2.5 weeks off until the third and final semester starts. I couldn't be anymore nervous/scared/excited. Anyways, a couple of girls from school and I all decided to go out to see Michael Woods at Ginger62. Needless to say, celebration was in order. 

 Then last night we went out to the Cambie and had some farewell drinks for Chrifer and Micole's quitting work party thang... I've come to realize I can't drink as much as I use to...paying for it today.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Richmond Night Market

So second semester is ALMOST over, the stress is slowly leaving my crazy ass. After a lovely marketing exam (sarcasm) on friday, Mum and I decided to hit up the glorious Richmond night market. The night market is a gong show filled with useless things you don't need. And literally everything possible you could eat on a stick. I had mushrooms with curry sauce for dinner and bought some unmentionables. The night market is every friday, saturday, sunday during the summer time from 6-...11? I have no idea to be honest... Go before summers up!

Oh hai mum

All the glitter you could ever want to do your nails with

Apparently mum can't focus unless the camera's on autofocus